Dr. Amar Wahab

Dr. Amar Wahab is Associate Professor in the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at York University. His research interests include: sexual citizenship in liberal multicultural and postcolonial nation-state formations (mainly related to the Caribbean and Canada), race and queer transnational politics, critiques of queer liberalism, and race, gender and the politics of representation. He is the author of Colonial Inventions: Landscape, Power and Representation in Nineteenth-Century Trinidad (2010, Cambridge Scholars Publishing). His work in queer and sexuality studies is published in journals such as GLQ: Journal of Lesbian and Gay StudiesInterventions: Journal of Postcolonial Studies and the Journal of Homosexuality. His current SSHRC-funded research project, ‘Queer Diasporas in Canada: a case study of transnational activism and politics’, focuses on queer anti-racist critiques of homonationalism in Canada.